What is Hoosier Girls State?Hoosier Girls State is the name given to Indiana's Girls State program which is designed to educate Indiana's young women in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of good citizenship. By getting involved in the process, delegates can learn more about City County and State government.
How are participants chosen?American Legion Auxiliary Units, assisted by high school principals and guidance counselors, evaluate potential leadership qualities of young women to be interviewed for selection as Delegates or Alternates. Young women are eligible to attend if they meet the following criteria:
What are the goals of the program?
What does a typical session include?Citizens are divided into two mythical political "parties". The parties do not reflect the two major political parties in today's system, but allow Citizens to gain a special knowledge of how the system works. Elections are held to fill city, county and state positions. Activities include workshops, legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating, and voting. The Citizens also receive instruction in Parliamentary Procedure. This "hands on" method is unique and extremely effective. Girls State affords participants an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens by informing them about the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship and hopefully encourages their participation in the democratic process as they progress into adulthood.
What are the benefits of Hoosier Girls State?Girls State is a nationally recognized program. Past participants have included:
How is the program funded?
Girls State Delegates are sponsored through local American Legion Auxiliary Units. Other interested organizations in the community may also contribute to this sponsorship including American Legion Posts, Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion Riders. The sponsorship fee covers the full expense of the Delegates meals and accommodations. Anyone interested in cosponsoring a Delegate, should contact the American Legion Auxiliary Department Headquarters in Indianapolis, IN at 317.630.1390
How is the program Staffed?Staff comes from volunteers of the American Legion Auxiliary, former Girls State participants and people who are interested in furthering the program.
If you would like to serve in a staff position please contact [email protected] and let us know what area you would be interested in and what you feel you could offer the program. |